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Arsenic Econo Quick 481298

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Arsenic Econo-Quick, 481298

Arsenic Econo-Quick™ is ideal for field and lab technicians whose time is valuable and who do a large
volume of tests. With accurate results in only 12 minutes, Arsenic Econo-Quick™ uses one simple procedure with 3 reagents that minimizes exposure to chemicals and maximizes the use of your time. With results comparable to high-end ICP testing methods, at a fraction of the cost, Arsenic Econo-Quick™ only requires a 50mL sample size to run. Everything you need to achieve results is included in the kit. In addition, Arsenic Econo-Quick uses no dangerous chemicals, like Sulfamic or Hydrochloric Acid, and features a unique chamber design which reduces your exposure to the generated arsine gas. With the included Easy-Read color chart, matching is simple and reliable results can be achieved by non-technical personnel.